Abstract submission Guidelines for ICGGS 2023

If your abstract is accepted, you are encouraged to submit the manuscripts before 30 October 2023 Abstract must be upload to https://www.conftool.net/icggs2023/

We invite you to contribute to oral/poster presentation. Areas of interest include (but are not limited to):

Natural resource & environment

Global warming, climate change, water resources, land use change, agriculture, energy, ecosystem, biodiversity, pollution, disaster, coastal and marine environments


Urbanization, food security, logistic and transportation, community resilience, landscape ecology, economic development

Geoinformatics application

Geographic information system (GIS), remote sensing (RS), web mapping, open sources GIS application, Internet of Things (IoTs), Deep learning

Geography and Geoinformatics education

Geography & Geoinformatics education, STEM Education

Preference for oral or poster presentation may be indicated upon submission.

We accept the submission of high quality papers describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, experimental and theoretical work or research in progress in all of the areas mentioned in the focus themes. Submission of a manuscript implies that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else.

Full paper reviewing process

All manuscripts will be subjected to double blind peer-review and are expected to meet the scientific criteria of significance and academic excellence. The submitting author is responsible for ensuring that the article’s publication has been approved by all the other co-authors and takes responsibility for the paper during submission and peer review. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation.

Full paper submission process

The full manuscript must be submitted as a MS Word document in .doc format (not as a PDF or .docx format) and named with author’s name. All manuscripts should be in English. Please ensure that your manuscript is not having any errors; this is especially important if English is not your first language. Download the Full Paper Template and thoroughly take after the designing rules. The format will help you to present your manuscript, subsequently you are asked for to take after the configuration thoroughly. Full manuscript that does not follow this format will be rejected. If paper is requested for revise we will send back to you with comments and you must send the corrected paper within a week. If you have any technical issue or if you need any further assistance in submitting your manuscript, please contact icggs2021@gmail.com

*Please note that all accepted the full papers and abstracts will be published in the conference proceeding*

Proceeding for ICGGS 2023

Similar to our 2 nd ICGGS conferences in 2022, the conference committee has envisioned publishing a high-profile peer-reviewed academic publication based on a selection of accepted papers after the conference.
At present we are considering offers from prestigious academic publication on having a special issue dedicated to the conference selected papers. After the review process, full paper submission system will be open to authors who would like submit their full papers for the publication review process and their abstracts have been accepted. A peer-reviewed book, Springer Geography (indexed in Scopus), based on the excerpts from the first and second conference has been published by Springer.
**(guidelines for submission)
(Click this link to Download Full Paper Template for Springer Geography Series.)

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